The opportunity for understanding

From Edward Nawotka, founder and editor-in-chief of Publishing Perspectives, comes an enlightened and discerning retrospective of the terrorism that occurred in the United States ten years ago. He asks us:

What is religious fundamentalism but a failure of reading — a failure to seek nuance in a text, to probe for paradox, to interpret? Or perhaps it’s just this: a failure to read widely.

EmpathySymbol.comBooks ultimately are at the heart of September 11 and its legacy. Books are what started the terrorists down their path and books — and the exchange of ideas they represent — are what can help prevent another September 11, 2001, from ever happening again. Books offer the world’s best opportunity for understanding the events of that day, for bridging cultural and spiritual divides, and engendering hope for a peaceful future to come.

Read the entire article at Publishing Perspectives.